Rabu, 09 September 2009
Pidgin (YMmesangger replacement) can be used for chat and webcam
Applications replacement YM (pidgin) is open source and free it has a lot of plugins (additional applications that can be integrated) is not inferior to ordinary Mesengger YM. In addition to using this application we can secure from viruses (because there is a plugin firewall too), will also save bandwidth.
One plugin that I have ujicobakan at home and I use for this is Facebook chat.
So by using this chat facebook we can chat with other facebook users that are active in realtime (the same as its web version), the excess with facebook chat is much faster arriving message is, when compared with the base web .. and we can add our facebook status more quickly and easily (auto login). Every response we received from friends on our status there will be notifikasinya, so that we can know quickly and open facebook when we need, so we'll save bandwidth, and that certainly does not have to always check facebook ... That way we work productivity will increase because they do not always throw a lot of time to check facebook ... he .. he ... I think personal experience
The second plugin that I will discuss is the cam chat (chat by using the camera) so that we can know our speaker. It turned out that already provide pluginnya pidgin .... And the above is one example, although much remains to be repaired by the developers, because it is still in beta (testing and further developed until the final stage). If you want to change your YMmessanger with a more powerful pidgin, please visit the websitehttp://pidgin.imhttp://pidgin.im
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